Jessi Speaks Out in Support of Hyuna's and E'Dawn's Relationship - KPop News


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Sunday 12 August 2018

Jessi Speaks Out in Support of Hyuna's and E'Dawn's Relationship

Ever since Hyuna revealed her relationship with E'Dawn, E'Dawn's activity as Pentagon (member) was suspended. As Hyuna's best friend, Jessie stood up and spoke for the couple: "Let them be happy!" 

Jessi mentioned about Hyuna's love affair in the live broadcast and shared her point of view that everyone can date with the people they like whether they are idols or not and Hyuna is not a child anymore. 

In addition, Jessi also said that she just wants to let everyone knows the idea of "Let everyone be happy" and as for those who deliberately let the others cannot have happiness, she continued: "Making others unhappy, that is just shit." 

Source : DKPopNews